Our vision

To become the local community care provider of choice supporting people with diverse and complex care needs to live life the way they choose to in their own home and community.

PI Care

Helping everyone fulfil their potential

Meet the team

Our ethos: Live life to the full

By putting our ethos of ‘Live life to the full’ into practice, we aim to truly make a difference.

Our values support our ethos, and guide service development and innovation to meet the needs of the people we care for and support.


Engage PIC


Enable PIC


Empower PIC

Quality assurance

Dedicated to continuous improvement in everything we do
Guided by external accreditation and compliance, we are committed to meet and exceed the standards required by legislation and to continuously drive improvement across our services so we meet and exceed the expectations of the people who use our services. We achieve this by involving the people we support, their families and professional support network, and input from the people who work for us and partner with us.

We work hard to drive, monitor and evaluate good practice
Our Training Strategy ensures all key people within the company have the appropriate levels of training. We also monitor and audit all services we deliver, ensuring that the outcomes for people we support feature in the audit process.

At all times we strive to involve the people we support, with the aim that they:

  • are always at the centre of their support
  • understand the support they receive and the choices available to them
  • are able to express their views as far as they are able to do so
  • be part of the decision-making process and have their views taken into account
  • have an active role in their community

Feedback & Comments
We welcome and encourage feedback on the quality and delivery of our services.

Complaints & Safeguarding
We ensure that every member of our specialist care team understands and follows our comprehensive Safeguarding Policy. We maintain a record of all safeguarding issues and are able to monitor, advise and ensure actions are followed through.

Our goal: To empower people to live their best lives